Daily Archives: Saturday, February 6, 2010

only in the movies


through a student edge function brad and i were able to finally have the movie date we’d been desiring for so long.  okay, so most wouldn’t call it a date when you have 30-40 others along with you, but we take what we can get.  for us it was a much needed date.  we went and saw to save a life (which i totally recommend).  it was during the movie that i had one of those “only in the movies” moments.  you know, what i’m talking about.  i’m mean seriously how many guys would spread sod in the back of their pickup, stick flowers in the sod, and then have a picnic basket and blanket for a picnic – all this while the truck is parked on the beach and you’re watching the waves.  i mean seriously!

let’s side track for a minute and take a look at just how curly my hair is (trust me, it works into where this is headed):

curly.  and what works for perfect curls one day – leads to a mess of frizz the next.  it can be rather frustrating.  although i’m not a “i hate my curls” kinda person, it’s nice to take a break from them every once in a while and straighten them.

so, moving along.  i woke up yesterday (friday) morning to sounds of jilly ready to join us in bed.  eventually she was grunting and pointing at something, and blind me (-11.5 contact strength) reached for my glasses to see what she wanted.  only, there was something on my glasses.  it was a note.  a love note.  followed by a clue as to where i should head next.  although my husband loves me immensely and never leaves me guessing about how much he loves me, romantic scavenger hunts are not a daily/monthly/yearly occurrence around here.  next i headed to the sugar container.  then the heating unit.  then the 1/2 bath.  and finally to the guest room.  he had surprised me with a Chi hair straightener which i had fallen in love with when using my little sister’s over christmas.  my immediate response was “we aren’t doing valentine’s gifts!!”  to which he responded, “i know, that’s why you’re getting this today.”  stinker!!  my stinker.  i love my Chi, but i must say the 5 love notes might be a little more loved.

guess things like that don’t happen “only in the movies”.

(now i just have to decide which one of these i want.)