Daily Archives: Tuesday, January 13, 2009

with “the greats”


saturday the four of us loaded into the car and headed out to do lunch with brad’s grandparents.  nate has unfortunately not spent enough time around them and is therefore a bit shy around his great-grandparents.  after getting over his sadness that grandpa showed up without grandma, nate really came out of his shell.  he especially had a great time playing with his great-grandpa.  it was so much fun to watch them interact.  it’s a blessing to see an 86 year old and a 2 1/2 year old have such a good time together.  grandma made sure to get some good cuddling in with her great-granddaughter.  jill was more than willing to be held and doted on by her.  overall the trip was a ton of fun and left us wondering why we don’t make it more often.

pictures in a seperate protected post.