Daily Archives: Monday, January 19, 2009

wud do thay?


nate’s got a cold.  today is day 6 of complete misery.  poor kid.  the pediatrician has always told me it takes 7 to 10 days for it to run its course.  let’s hope it’s 7 and and not 10.  his nose is so raw, and i feel so bad for him each time he needs to blow it.  he’s also gotten a cold sore on the bottom side of his lower lip.  he’s been a trooper all along though.  the only time he really seems to get frustrated is at bedtime.  he’s continually calling to us over the monitor, “need a kleenex”.  last night it was after 10:30 before he was finally able to fall asleep.  he was then up again from about 4 to 5 going through the same “need a kleenex” and tears routine.  as a mom i just want to make it all better for him.  i wish there was at least a cold medicine i could give him to help take away some of the symptoms.  we’ve been using vicks at nap and bedtime.  i think i’ll let him have a pj day so he rests and works on getting better.

oh yeah, as for the title of this post.  very frustrating for all of us is how hard it is to understand a two-year-old when there’s major congestion involved.  i can’t count the number of times i’ve had to have him repeat him self 3, 4, 5 times just to try to guess what he’s saying.